Provide your readers with an engaging online experience.

Get an author website that showcases your books, grows your audience, and attracts publishers and promoters.

Let's work together to build a literary legacy that will stand the test of time.

Experience the Full Spectrum of Writing and Publishing Solutions, Unveiling the Masterpieces We Craft.
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We're a partnership fueled by love, business, and coffee.

The directors at Brooks Craft Publishing decided that working together and building something amazing would be much more enjoyable than pursuing separate career paths. The Director of SBM has a background in the visual arts, having created a wide range of visually creative works—from large oil paintings to life-sized classical Greek statues to architectural enrichments for Russian castles.

People who believe that books change the world.

Turning Away Readers

If your current website (or lack of one) isn’t professional, well-designed, and doesn’t provide a clear user journey, you could be turning away readers and book buyers right now.

Writing Energy Wasted

All the energy and creativity you're investing in your writing could be wasted if potential readers don't get a good impression of you when they look you up online.

Publicity Opportunities Lost

You might miss out on publishers, promoters, and media scouts if they are put off by your average or amateur-looking website.


Our ghostwriters are ready to begin your project. We’re excited whenever we hear about your book and eagerly anticipate the publication of your next masterwork! Contact us now!

Our skilled bloggers at Brooks Craft Publishing create unique and diverse content for our clients.

With our Author’s Website service, you’ll establish a professional online presence to enhance your brand and connect with more readers. Don’t wait—contact us today to get started!

HOW DOES Brooks Craft Publishing WORK?

Terms of Submission and Publication for the First Draft

Collaborate with our team of professionals to review your publishing requirements, clarify project details, printing specifications, and any publishing restrictions. You will receive a contract letter outlining the terms before proceeding.



Evaluation of Content, Guiding, Editing, and Proofreading

Our skilled content producers, copy editors, and developmental editors meticulously review your material, conduct evaluations, proofread, and make necessary changes to ensure quality. The revised book will then be sent to you for approval.

Setting Typography, Graphics, and Illustrations

Once you approve the alterations, we will proceed to set the typography, incorporate photographs and drawings, and style the text. Our professionals will enhance the visual appeal of the book to ensure it meets high standards.



Interior Decorating and Book Publishing

Once we provide you with the first version of the book, including design elements, borders, headers, and a table of contents, we await your approval. Upon your approval, we will proceed with the remaining volumes accordingly.

Distribution, Marketing, and Publishing

After receiving your design approval, we will generate buzz and anticipation for the book through our marketing efforts. We will distribute the manuscript in the desired formats and make it available to readers worldwide.


Weekly Best Seller.

Regardless of the genre, our exceptionally talented authors excel at producing intriguing and thought-provoking writing. We take pride in being supported by seasoned professionals who consistently deliver top-notch work.


What They Say

Our authors, skilled in every genre, consistently produce captivating and thought-provoking content. We take pride in our team of seasoned professionals who consistently deliver top-notch work.

LET'S BEGIN WITH Brooks Craft Publishing

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